
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jim Dine Hearts

Does it seem like the promotion of Valentine's Day starts earlier each year? I have seen hearts and Valentine's merchandise as early as January. 

I have been holding out, but had such cool results from our Jim Dine Art Masterpiece project that I could not resist.

Jim Dine is an America Pop Artist who is known for his colorful and expressive hearts. 

The Little Heart in the Landscape (1991)

He said that he loved to paint hearts because it reminded him of his wife. How romantic is that?!

The Poets' Twelve Hearts (1961)

Students in our school have created several varying projects featuring Jim Dine:

Like this one....

Jim Dine Pink Heart by Annika

And this one...

Jim Dine Heart in Hand
How about this one at +Kathy Barbro 

Jime Dine Hearts +Kathy Barbro

What's your interpretation for Jim Dine Hearts?

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